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Monthly Mommy Moments ~ Back to School

The emotions that run through a mother’s head when your kiddos go back to school can be all over the place. Did you pack them enough to eat for lunch? Will they make any friends? Will they hate it? Will they miss you?… Over the past few years, my emotions have changed a lot about the first day of school. I won’t lie, the tears I once cried out as I dropped off my little one have turned to tears of joy.The emotional roller-coaster that comes each year a new school year begins. Back to school from fears to cheers.


~Tears of Sadness~

Flash-back… The first day of preschool, even the last day of preschool there was definitely some welling in the eyes. I mean my BABY was in school! How did this happen?!

The emotional roller-coaster that comes each year a new school year begins. Back to school from fears to cheers.

~Tears of Guilt~

We had a Crazy summer that year. V was born and we moved from Missouri to Florida. We were settled about 2 weeks before J headed back to school. His backpack almost swallowed him alive!!

The emotional roller-coaster that comes each year a new school year begins. Back to school from fears to cheers.

We had moved from all of his friends. I couldn’t help but feel guilty that I might have stuck him with a bunch of jerks… I ran to the car before I let the water works start. He, of course, loved his new school and before long had plenty of new friends.

~Tears of Pride~

By the first day of 1st grade, we were settled. He was in sports, had friends, and was ready to go to school. I knew he was ready and prepared. It felt good sending him off somewhere he loved…. then it happened. We moved again… Florida to Kentucky over Christmas break.

The emotional roller-coaster that comes each year a new school year begins. Back to school from fears to cheers.

 After a lot of holiday traveling, we prepared for a new school again. No complaints, no fear, and no tears (for J that is). Again, mom filled with pride, dropped off her 1st grader for his first day, again. I waited until I got into the car to let the tears flow.

~Tears of Joy~

So are you there yet? When the end of summer hits, are you counting down the days until school? Don’t get me wrong I love summer and all of the great activities that go along with it, but towards the end, I can tell J is striving for more. It is like his brain needs to learn and by the end, my brain is fried…

The emotional roller-coaster that comes each year a new school year begins. Back to school from fears to cheers.

2nd grade go get ’em J!! Look his backpack even fits!


The truth is, there are all kinds of tears involved with being a parent. The hardest part is watching them walk away. When they don’t need to turn around anymore to see if you are there. When they are learning to be confident and independent. When you are starting to learn to trust that you have taught them well. This is the moment your Fears can turn to Cheers as you watch them grow into another year of growth and learning new things.

What kind of tears did you feel on the first day of school this year??Susie-Signature2Kate's Sister Side Note

When the kiddos moved to their new classrooms, I had tears of fears…but I know that they love where they are and are thriving!


Tarynn Playle

Friday 28th of August 2015

My daughter is starting preschool next month. Whenever I think about it, I tear up.


Saturday 29th of August 2015

When I was looking through all of J's preschool pics the tears were streaming down my face!! They grow too fast!

Marina Silva-Opps

Thursday 27th of August 2015

Love your article. School has not started here yet, but I am already feeling a little nervous for my son. I hope he will have a good teacher and that a few of his friends will be in the same class. Not easy to be a parent!


Thursday 27th of August 2015

The hardest part is to keep your worries to yourself so they don't pass onto them... It is tough. Thanks for stopping by Marina!


Thursday 27th of August 2015

I always had mixed feelings when I sent my daughter back to school. Getting some more time to do adult things during the day is nice but I always miss her.


Thursday 27th of August 2015

Somehow it never seems like I end up getting much more done... But I still have V around to thank for that. He always has so much to say when he gets home. I look forward to what he's going to say each day.


Thursday 27th of August 2015

Sweet post Susie. My little guys go to preschool for the first time and I know I'll have a mixture of tears of sadness (my babies!!) and secretly tears of joy (to get a few hours of me time).


Thursday 27th of August 2015

It will be quite the wave of emotions... The hardest part is holding it all in until they are out of site!!