So have you been planting? How are your seedlings doing? Have you started a compost yet?
Now I’m not going to pretend that I’m an expert on composting, but I have learned a few things over the past year. And the first thing you’re going to need is a place to compost.
I use this inexpensive plastic tote.
When you’re choosing your plastic tote, make sure to watch the plastic numbers.
You want to choose a plastic with the recycle codes 1, 2, 4, or 5.
Drill holes all along the sides, top, and bottom.
Composting doesn’t have to be overly complicated. You really just need to remember to add both brown and green items to your compost.
Start your new compost with a heavy dose of “brown” items then cover with some fresh dirt.
Then start adding some green items.
Keep your compost moist and stir it every couple of days.
It shouldn’t be smelly or overly wet. If either of these things happen add some more brown material.
When your compost is ready, go ahead and add it to your garden.
A great way to test whether or not your compost is ready is called the bag test. Put some compost in a bag and give it a sniff. Place the bag in a drawer for a day or so. Then give it another sniff. If the smell hasn’t changed, it’s good to go. If the compost started to stink, then give it some more time.
Compost is a great fertilizer for your veggies, lawn, or flower beds.
How do you compost? What do you compost in?
Trimming Your Organic Budget ~ Get Your Grow On | Twitchetts
Sunday 24th of May 2015
[…] you are just catching up we started from seed, took care of our seedlings, & started some compost. These are some final tips in the seedling process, from here things will really start taking […]
Eva at Kid Minds
Wednesday 29th of April 2015
This is on my list! I am glad i found this post By accident through google plus. The last time i googled "compost " my computer caught a nasty virus.
Friday 24th of April 2015
This is great! I love how you broke it down in a simple way that makes sense! We are big on food composting in Seattle, and in fact get fined if there is too much food in our garbages! Someday I hope you have a big enough yard that I can use compost as fertilizer on!
Brittany @
Friday 24th of April 2015
I have never thought about composting but recently I have been noticing a lot more how much food we are throwing away. Especially with two little ones, we have a lot of scraps after eating. Thanks for the tips!
Ashleigh Wright
Thursday 23rd of April 2015
Such a neat idea for a compost! I've wanted one for sooooooo long. I might just have to make one now! Thank you for sharing this! I know others will love it so please come share and link up with me at a wonderful weekend ahead!! xx Ashleigh @SimplyWright